Harbor Area A’s Membership
How to become a member – We invite you to review this website where you will be able to learn more about our club and read some of our monthly newsletters. We also welcome you to get acquainted with us by coming to one of our meetings, or participating in one of our events.
Membership is open to anyone who has an interest in Model A Fords and wants to participate in the club activities. Owning a Model A is not a requirement. Membership is by family and includes both you, your spouse and any children under 18.
Dues are $40.00 per year for you and your spouse. Your first year’s dues also includes name badges for both of you. If you wish to receive your newsletter by U.S. mail, there is an additional fee of $20 per year.
Here are the forms and payment information if you, or anyone you know, wants to join the Club and the fun!
HARBOR AREA MODEL A’s Club Application
Membership in the national Model A Restorer's Club (MARC) is mandatory. Membership in the national Model A Ford Club of America (MAFCA) is optional except for club officers. Membership includes a yearly subscription to the monthly “Harbor Light newsletter” and bi-monthly national MARC “The Model A News.”
Dues are $50.00 per year for each national organization. (MAFCA offers a free 1-year membership for new members)
MARC Membership Application Join – Model A Restorers Club (
MAFCA Membership Application Model A Ford Club of America (
Contact our club’s Membership Chair who can answer any questions you may have. See our website for contact information.